Patriarchal Congratulations to Archimandrite Alexander Belya on the 10th Anniversary of His Ordination to the Priesthood
February 12, 2021To the Very Reverend Archimandrite Alexander Belya, Vicar of the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate of our Archdiocese of America, our dear son in the Lord: Grace be unto you and peace from God.
It is with much satisfaction that we address this Patriarchal letter to you, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of your induction into the ranks of the Holy Priesthood, for which important milestone we extend our congratulations and prayers.
The mystery of the Holy Orders is undeniably a diakonia of compassion, humility, sacrifice, and love toward all humankind. Much more so, it is an unfathomable and fearful act, whereby God condescends to our meagerness and permits us to stand before His very Throne and to offer the Bloodless Sacrifice “on behalf of all and for all.”
The calling that all clergymen receive – though unique to each person – is not a temporal event, restricted to one point in time. Instead, it is a continuous reaffirmation, a passionate pursuit of Christ within the tempestuous adversities of our lives and the lives of our entrusted flock, a ceaseless endeavor to know and to love God by knowing and loving our neighbor, an indefatigable store of intercession toward humankind, and an unceasing wellspring of thanksgiving toward our Creator.
The Mother Church of Constantinople thus rejoices in your ministry, as we do for all “good and faithful servants,” who have dedicated their lives to the illumination of the mind and sanctification of the body, and we counsel you to continue your service of love with patience, humility, selflessness, and eagerness.
Congratulating you once again, we extend unto you and the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate of our beloved Archdiocese in America, our Patriarchal and paternal benediction, and we invoke upon you the love and boundless mercy of Almighty God.
At the Ecumenical Patriarchate, January 25th, 2021
Your fervent supplicant before God,
Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome
and Ecumenical Patriarch