Greetings for the fourth anniversary of the enthronement of Archbishop Elpidophoros
June 23, 2023Your Eminence,
Four years ago, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the archpastors of our Mother Church of Constantinople made a very wise and foresighted decision with the providence of God, and thus, your ministry on American soil began.
We see clearly now how our Church is strengthening thanks to your labors and prayers. Many new churches are being opened, and the number of clergy and believers are constantly increasing.
I would like to use this opportunity to congratulate you with the 4-year anniversary of your service. On behalf of the clergy, monastic and laity people of the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate, I wish you peace, health and longanimity, so that with Solomon’s wisdom, fortitude and paternal care you continue to steer the ship of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese entrusted to you.
We are filialy and sincerely praying for You to our Merciful Creator and God.
God grant you many years!
Many Years! Многая Лeта! Εις Πολλά Έτη!
Asking for Your prayers,
+ Bishop-Elect Alexander of Nicopolis, Vicar
Slavic Orthodox Vicariate of America